
Posts Tagged ‘lo fi’

Ever had one of break ups which felt awful at the time,but in retrospect was the BeSt thing that ever happened to you?

When 80’s American rockers Dinosaur Junior told bassist Lou Barlow they were splitting up,

only to reform hours later without him in the line up it must have felt pretty shit.

Some musicians would have given up, but, luckily for low-fi,bassist Lou Barlow threw himself into then side-project Sebadoh.

Free from the creative castration inflicted by Junior’s singer J Mascis, Barlow was free to sing, SoNgWrItE and shine. Sebadoh was embraced in the mid-nineties by an army of teen slackers who identified with the band’s pared down angst.

The reissue of Sebadoh’s acclaimed fifth album Bakesale, originally released in 1994 signals a European tour. Relaxed tracks amble along and melt into each other with vocal twangs akin to Molko and Cobain in parts.

Sebadoh manage to blend stoned delusion and touching romance and make it work.

Highlights are ‘Skull’ which incorporates dragons and one night stands, and half-spoken ‘Shit Soup’ which stirs together the words bespectacled, gazebo and CrAzYand somehow makes sense.

Not bad for a guy who got dumped by his band.

©Ianthe Butt 2011

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